Update: Green Garden

11 05 2009

After a week of crummy rain and cold- this past weekend was beautiful.  Mom, BF, and I spent most of our time outside in the yard, planting all of our plants and beautifying the yard.  As is traditional with me… we made all sorts of changes to the garden “plan” including building a new 2×2 planter- bringing our total up to 56 sq feet of garden!

Some Garden highlights from this weekend are:

Critter proof cage for the top of the lettuce box… appears to be a good cage for me too!

Plants in the ground!

Protective Plastic for a couple upcoming cool nights

* a note about the plastic- wouldn’t you know it- the wind picked up today! my plastic covers are trying to set sail! oh well… we’ll see if they last.

New Garden layout




One response

20 05 2009

Wonderful web site / I will definitely visit soon:)

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